Folder Structure
VeNos files are at the following places:
Windows | C:\Documents and Settings\{username} \Application Data\VeNo\ |
macOS | ~/Library/Application/VeNo/ |
Linux | ~/VeNo |
From here we have multiple Sub-Directories and the config file:
- editor-config.xml
- Layouts
- Presets
- PROFILES (Only in Profile enabled build)
You can override the Layouts and Presets location via editor-config.xml!
The Editor-Config will hold all Configs you can set (most of them are configurable from the UI itself but not all)
To get all available options and explanations for the Config goto: editor-config.xml
VeNo uses a Custom written GUI-Language to create its Layout that can be overridden via simple Text files
The Folder the Engine is searching the Files is: {OS_PATH}/Layouts
. The files all have to end with .gui to be found!
GUI-Lang Docs
To get the documentation from the GUI-Language click here